Miss Cremens

Types, Terms, Definitions

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Types, Terms, Definitions
Analyzing Literature
MLA Formatting
Dedicated to Gerald Burns
Banned Books & Censoring

Terms & Definitions
Word Sounds
   alliteration - repeting initial consonant
   assonance - repeting vowels
   consonance - repeting end consonants
   onomatopoeia - sound words like "boom" "crash"
Scansion - meters\patterns
   end rhyme - the end words rhyme
      - masculine - ends accented
      - feminine - ends unaccented
   enjambed - "end-stopped"
   blank verse - unrhymed iambic pentameter
   free verse -  has no rhyme and no pattern
   couplet - two with same or similar end rhyme
   - Fixed form poem
   - has convenctions (see shakespeare)
Points of View
- Omniscient. The author tells the story as opposed to one of the characters. The author has complete knowledge of all characters' thoughts and actions.
-Limited Omniscient. Similar to Omniscient except the author limits their knowledge to only about one character.
-First-Person. One of the characters in the story tell the story.
-Objective. The author is the narrarator but does not enter the minds of the characters. The author sees the characters aswe would in real life. "fly on the wall" approach.
Types of Literary Criticism
Formalism: formal structure rather than content is what should be represented
Freudian: literary criticism that uses the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud to interpret a work in terms of the known psychological conflicts of its author or, conversely, to construct the author's psychic life from unconscious revelations in his work.
Reader-Response: Questions are presented that are relevent to the read text;the students are to reply to their fullest knowledge.
Socratic Method: A continuous stream of oral questions and anwsers.
Others: Aristotelian, Marxist


"We learn from failure, not from success!"
-Dracula, Bram Stoker